
南京,简称宁,是江苏省省会,位于江苏省西南部、长江下游,面积 6587.04 平方千米,常住人口949.11 万人。南京是中国东部地区重要的中心城市、全国重要的科研教育基地和综合交通枢纽,是长江三角洲唯一的特大城市和长三角辐射带动中西部地区发展重要门户城市、首批国家历史文化名城和全国重点风景旅游城市。

南京是中国四大古都之一,有 50 万年的人类活动史,近 2500 年的建城史,约 450 年的建都史,享有“六朝古都”“十代都会”的美誉。朝代更迭,在历史的洗礼下,南京积淀了浓厚的文化底蕴。南京是著名的科教中心城市,被称为“天下文枢”,从诗赋、书画、名著、成语,到佛教、戏曲、教育、科技,百舶争流、百花齐放、群星闪耀。今天的南京文脉传承,是国家确定的科技体制综合改革试点城市、创新型城市试点城市和三网融合试点城市,是海外留学人员回国就业创业的首选城市之一。南京地处宁镇扬丘陵地区,低山缓岗、虎踞龙蟠万里长江穿城而过。

南京物产丰富,南京云锦、金陵刻经、南京剪纸,金陵琴派 (古琴) 都已成功入选《世界人类非物质遗产代表名录》。盐水鸭、雨花茶和雨花石也都是南京著名的土特产品。南京是全国重要的综合性交通枢纽、通信枢纽城市,建立了全方位、立体化、大运量的交通运输网络.铁路、公路、水运、空运、管道五种运输方式齐全,高铁南京南站是亚洲地区最大的铁路枢纽中心。

Nanjing, abbreviated as Ning, is the capital city of Jiangsu Province. It is located in southwest Jiangsu and the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Covering an area of 6587.04 square kilometers, Nanjing has a permanent population of 9.4911 million people.Nanjing is an important major city in eastern China and serves as a major hub for scientific research, education, and comprehensive transportation. It is the only megacity in the Yangtze River Delta region and plays a significant role in driving the development of the central and western regions of China. Nanjing is also one in the first batch of national historical and cultural cities and a key scenic tourist destination in China.Nanjing is one of the four ancient capitals of China, with a human activity history of 500,000 years, a city construction history of nearly 2,500 years, and a capital history of about 450 years. It has gained the reputation of “Capital of Six Dynasties” and “Metropolis of Ten Dynasties”. With the succession of dynasties and the passing of time, Nanjing has accumulated an abundant cultural heritage. Nanjing is a renowned center for science and education and it is called the “Cultural Pivot of China”. It has made significant contributions to poetry, painting and calligraphy, literature, idioms, Buddhism, operas, education, and science and technology and gathered various talents and schools. Nanjing inherits its cultural legacy while embracing new development. It has been designated by the national government as a pilot city for comprehensive reforms in the science and technology system, an innovationdriven pilot city, and a pilot city for the integration of “three networks”. It has also become a top choice for overseas students returning to China for employment and entrepreneurship.

Nanjing is situated in the hilly area of the NanjingZhenjiang-Yangzhou region. It is characterized by gentle hills and hillocks, resembling a crouching tiger and coiling dragon. Moreover, the mighty Yangtze River runs through the city. Nanjing boasts a rich cultural and artistic heritage as well as abundant products. Nanjing brocade, Jinling carved scriptures, Nanjing paper-cutting, and the Jinling guqin art have been listed in UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Nanjing salted duck, Yuhua tea, and Yuhua stone are famous specialties of Nanjing.Nanjing serves as an important comprehensive transportation and communication hub in China. It has established an all-around, three-dimensional, and large-capacity transportation network that includes railways, highways, waterways, air transport, and pipelines, with Nanjing South Railway Station being the largest railway interchange center in Asia.



高淳区域面积 802 平方公里,常住人口 43 万辖1个省级开发区(省级高新区)1 个国际慢城管委会1 个国家级现代农业产业园、1 个南京高等职业教育创新创业园和2个镇、6个街道。当前,高淳正锚定“现代化特色发展区、南京南部高品质新城区、长三角重要节点区”发展定位,深入实施生态立区、创新兴区产业强区、特色富区战略,加快推进现代化美丽活力繁荣幸福高淳建设,努力在生态绿色发展、产业创新发展、城乡一体发展、实现共同富裕、健全社会治理上争做示范,奋力绘就中国式现代化高淳新图景。

高淳拥有独具魅力的文化遗产和丰富多元的旅游资源。早在6300多年前,逐水而居的高淳先民就已在石白湖南岸的薛城村繁衍生息,形成村落,过着渔猎、农耕生活。高淳古时地处“吴头楚尾”春秋时建渚邑(固城遗址),比金陵品早 200 多年。现有文物保护单位88处(其中国保单位2处、省保单位10处、市保单18处),淳溪镇、漆桥村分别被住建部、国家文物局公布为中国历史文化名镇、中国传统古村落。

近年来,高淳依托得天独厚的地理优势和人文资源,聚力打造休闲体育名城,大力发展体育事业,体育设施建设步伐加快,竞技体育水平不断提高,是全国武术之乡、全国群众体育先进区、全省公共体育服务体系示范区,举办、承办过青奥会南京2014武术比赛、第二十届省运会青少年部帆船比赛等重要国内外赛事,培养输送了李煜、夏玉婷、徐文靖等一批高水平体育人才,培育了高淳国际慢城马拉松等多项品牌赛事。南京 2014 武术比赛、第二十届省运会青少年部帆船比赛等重要国内外赛事,培养输送了李煜、夏玉婷、徐文靖等一批高水平体育人才,培育了高淳国际慢城马拉松等多项品牌赛事。

Gaochun, located at the southernmost tip of Nanjing, is known as the land of plenty in Jiangnan, the regions south of the Yangtze River. It has a rich historical and cultural heritage, making it the renowned Jiangnan Holy Land. Gaochun has been granted multiple titles, including the advanced area of national cultural work, the hometown of Chinese folk culture and art, the famous historical and cultural region of Jiangsu Province, the hometown of national martial arts, the experimental area of village culture ecological protection in Jiangsu Province, and the provincial-level tourism-based development demonstration area. Gaochun’s unique ecological environment and the idyllic lifestyle of the Gaochun people have earned the place the distinction of being the first international Cittaslow in China.Gaochun District extends 802 square kilometers and houses a permanent resident population of 430,000 people. It has jurisdiction over one provincial economic development zone (provincial high-tech zone), one international Cittaslow management committee, one national-level modern agricultural industrial park, one Nanjing higher vocational education innovation and entrepreneurship park, two towns, and six sub-districts. Currently, Gaochun focuses on the orientation of becoming a modern characteristic development area, a high-quality new urban area in the south of Nanjing, and an important node area of the Yangtze River Delta. It has deepened the implementation of the strategies of developing based on a good ecological environment and thriving with innovative strength, strong industries, and characteristic resources. It has accelerated the building of a modern, beautiful, vibrant, and prosperous region and striven to set an example in ecological and green development, industrial innovative development, integrated urban and rural development, common prosperity, and sound social governance, thereby creating a new image of Chinese-style modernization in Gaochun.Gaochun boasts a captivating cultural heritage and diverse tourism resources. Its history dates back 6,300 years ago, when the ancestors of Gaochun settled in Xuecheng Village on the south bank of Shijiu Lake, establishing villages and living a life centered around fishing, hunting, and farming. In ancient times, Gaochun was located on the borders between the two states Wu and Chu, and during the Spring and Autumn Period in Chinese history, the city of Laizhu (Gucheng site) was built, over 200 years earlier than the city of Jinling. Gaochun possesses 88 cultural relics protection units, including two under national protection, 10 under provincial protection, and 18 under municipal protection. Chunxi Town has been recognized as a famous Chinese historical and cultural town by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China, and Qiqiao Village as a Chinese traditional ancient village by National Cultural Heritage Administration.

In recent years, Gaochun has leveraged its unique geographical advantages and human resources to establish itself as a renowned leisure sports region. It has made significant efforts to develop sports, enhance sports facilities, and elevate its level of competitive sports. It is recognized as the hometown of national martial arts, the advanced area for national mass sports, and the demonstration area for the province’s public sports service system. It has successfully hosted important domestic and international events, including the Youth Olympic Games Nanjing 2014 Martial Arts Competition and the Youth Sailing Race of the 20th Games of Jiangsu Province. It has also played a crucial role in training high-level sports talents such as Li Yu, Xia Yuting, and Xu Wenjing, and has fostered brand events like the Gaochun Cittaslow International Marathon.

上一篇:吴江 WUJIANG 
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