
宜兴地处苏浙皖三省交界、沪宁杭几何中心,是宁杭城市带中心节点城市、无锡“一体两翼”发展格局中的重要一翼。市域面积 1997 平方公里,户籍人口 108 万,下辖 13 个镇、5 个街道、1 个国家级高新技术开发区(中国宜兴环保科技工业园)、1 个国家级经济技术开发区(宜兴经济技术开发区),1 个国家级旅游度假区(宜兴阳羡生态旅游度假区),1 个省级工业园区(江苏宜兴陶瓷产业园区),先后获得国家园林城市、国家卫生城市、国家科技进步先进县(市)、国家生态市、中国人居环境奖、全国文明城市等荣誉。

宜兴是经济繁荣的工商城市,2018 年实现 GDP1713.3 亿元,一般公共预算收入 120 亿元,规上工业产值 2951.5 亿元,全社会固定资产投资 420.7 亿元,社会消费品零售额 667.3 亿元,位列全国县域经济 100 强第八位。宜兴是山水秀美的生态城市,境内“三山两水五分田”,生态禀赋得天独厚,山在城中、城在水中的特色非常鲜明,拥有 1 个国家级旅游度假区、8 个 4A 级景区,先后获得中国优秀旅游城市、国家卫生城市、国家环保模范城市、全国生态示范区、国家生态市等荣誉。宜兴是底蕴厚重的文化名城。拥有 7000 多年制陶史,2000 多年建县史,陶瓷文化源远流长、紫砂工艺独步天下、名流大家代不绝书。历史上曾出过 4 位状元、10 位宰相、500 多名进士,近现代先后走出两院院士 30 人、大学校长 100 多人、教授学者 1 万多人,涌现出徐悲鸿、吴冠中、周培源、蒋南翔、顾景舟、沙祖康、丁俊晖等一大批艺术、科学、文化、教育、外交、体育界杰出代表,是名符其实的中国陶都、教授之乡、书画之乡,被列为国家历史文化名城。

Yixing is located in between the three neighboring provinces, the geometric center, shanghai-nanjing hangzhou hangzhou urban belt is the central node, wuxi city " integrative both wings based on one subject " development pattern of a wing.With an area of 1,997 square kilometers and a registered population of 1.08 million, it has jurisdiction over 13 towns, 5 streets and 1 national high-tech development zone (yixing environmental protection technology industrial park, China).One state-level economic and technological development zone (yixing) economic and technological development zone, a national tourist resort (male eco-tourism resort of yixing), a provincial-level industrial park (jiangsu yixing ceramic industrial park), successively obtains the national garden city, national sanitary city, national science and technology progress counties (city), the national ecological city, the China habitat environment prize, the national civilized city, etc.

Yixing is an economically prosperous industrial and commercial city. In 2018, its GDP reached 171.33 billion yuan, the general public budget income was 12 billion yuan, the industrial output value was 295.15 billion yuan, the fixed asset investment was 42.07 billion yuan, and the retail sales of consumer goods reached 66.73 billion yuan.Yixing is an ecological city with beautiful landscape and "three mountains and two waters divided into five fields". It is endowed with unique ecological endowment and has distinctive characteristics of mountains and cities in the city and in the water. It has one national tourist resort and eight 4A scenic spots, and has successively won honors such as China excellent tourist city, national health city, national environmental protection model city, national ecological demonstration area and national ecological city.Yixing is a famous cultural city with profound cultural deposits. With a history of more than 7000 years of pottery making, more than 2000 years of history of county construction, the ceramic culture has a long history, purple sand technology alone in the world, famous people generation books. History had four of them, 10 prime minister, more than 500 jinshi, modem has 30 out of the house and senate academician, the President of the university, professors, scholars more than 10000 people, more than 100 people have sprung up xu beihong, wu guanzhong, pei-yuan Chou, Jiang Naxiang, Gu Jingzhou, Mr. Sha, a large number of ding junhui art, science, culture, education, diplomacy, sport outstanding representative, is the hometown of ceramic capital of China, professor, calligraphy and painting of the township, is listed as a national famous historical and cultural city.

上一篇:吴江 WUJIANG 
下一篇:无锡 WUXI
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