无锡地处长江三角洲江湖间走廊部分、江苏省东南部,东邻苏州,南濒太湖,西接常州,北临长江,境内以平原为主,星散分布低山、残丘,总面积 4627.47平方公里,常住人口749.08 万人,现辖江阴、宜兴 2 个县级市和梁溪、锡山、惠山、滨湖、新吴5 个区以及无锡经济开发区。无锡历史悠久,六七千年前已有先民生息,有文字记载的历史可追溯至 3000多年前的商朝末年。1949 年 4月 23 日无锡解放1983 年实行市管县体制,无锡县、江阴县、宜兴县划为无锡市管辖。无锡经济发达,2022 年地区生产总值超过 1.48 万亿元、增长 3.0%,人均GDP 达 19.8 万元、位列全国大中城市首位。拥有10 个千亿级产业集群,物联网、生物医药、高端纺织等 3 个先进制造业t哀唉靶翱 把懊群入选“国家队”。无锡崇文尚教,是顾恺之、倪云林、尤袤、徐霞客、孙治方、薛暮桥、钱钟书、徐悲鸿、华彦钧 (阿炳)、周培源、钱伟长、王选等名人的故乡,是吴文化、江南文化民族工商文化发祥地,运河文化底蕴深厚,拥有紫砂、惠山泥人、留青竹刻、精微绣、锡剧等一批非物质文化遗产。无锡风光秀美,有“太湖佳绝处、江南水弄堂、运河绝版地、百年工商城”之称,拥有 5A 级景区4 家,其中童头渚、灵山大佛、惠山古镇等景区以及荡口古镇、小娄巷、荣巷等历史文化街区享誉全国。

Wuxi is situated along the corridor between rivers and lakes in the Yangtze River Delta, in the southeast of Jiangsu Province, bordering Suzhou in the east, Taihu Lake in the south, Changzhou in the west, and the Yangtze River in the north. The city is dominated by plains, with scattered low mountains and residual hills, with a total area of 4627.47 square kilometers and a permanent population of 7.4908 million. It has jurisdiction over two county-level cities, Jiangyin and Yixing, five districts, Liangxi, Xishan, Huishan, Binhu and Xinwu, as well as the Wuxi Economic Development District. Wuxi has a long-standing history of nearly 7,000 years, with written history dating back to the end of the Shang Dynasty more than 3,000 years ago. Wuxi was liberated on April 23, 1949. It implemented the city-administered county system in 1983, with Wuxi County, Jiangyin County, and Yixing County placed under the jurisdiction of Wuxi City. Wuxi has a developed economy. In 2022, its regional GDP exceeded 1.48 trillion yuan, an increase of 3.0%, and its per capita GDP reached 198,000 yuan, making it rank first among large and medium-sized cities in China. Wuxi is home to ten 100-billion yuan-level industrial clusters, including three national-level advanced manufacturing clusters of the Internet of Things, biomedicine, and highend textile. Wuxi has a time-honored tradition of promoting culture and education. It is the hometown of Gu Kaizhi, Ni Yunlin, You Mao, Xu Xiake, Sun Yefang, Xue Muqiao, Qian Zhongshu, Xu Beihong, Hua Yanjun (A Bing), Zhou Peiyuan, Qian Weichang, Wang Xuan and other celebrities, and the birthplace of Wu culture, Jiangnan culture, and national industrial and commercial culture. Wuxi also boasts profound canal cultural heritage, and intangible cultural heritage items such as red stoneware, Huishan clay figurines, Liuqing bamboo carvings, Wuxi embroidery, and Wuxi opera. With picturesque scenery, Wuxi is known as "the best place of Taihu Lake, the water alley in the south of the Yangtze River, the only cluster of canals, and the century-old industrial and commercial city". It has four 5A-level scenic spots, among which Yuantouzhu, Lingshan Giant Buddha, and Huishan Ancient Town are well-known throughout the country, together with historical and cultural blocks such as Dangkou Ancient Town, Xiaolou Lane and Rongxiang Lane.

下一篇:昆山 KUNSHAN
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